The European Parliament partly released the legal service’s opinion on ACTA, but left out the analysis on ACTA. Why?
“Important trading partners of the EU, such as the United States, Canada, Japan, Korea and Switzerland are contracting parties to the ACTA agreement. Disclosure of the parts of the legal opinion under consideration dealing with questions 1, 2 and 3 would seriously interfere with the complex ratification procedures of the ACTA agreement and the EU’s relations with the other contracting parties, as it might prejudice the ratification procedures by these countries.”
Really. The ACTA text is published. Everyone can now analyse it. Evidently, the analysis may show ACTA is very bad. That would jeopardize the ratification process – deservedly so. That is all in the game in a democracy. But the European Parliament is not interested in democracy, apparently.
A partly secret ratification process… How deep do you want to sink?
See also: Confirmatory application for legal service’s opinion on ACTA (Updated)
In related news, today it became clear there is a parallel secret track: the Legal Affairs committee also asked for an opinion.
Update: On 20 November I requested the minutes of the Legal Affairs Coordinators meetings dealing with ACTA, the communication between the Legal Affairs committee (Chair) and the legal service and this second legal service’s opinion on ACTA, and any other legal services’s opinions on ACTA, as soon as it is (they are) available.
Pingback: ACTA Secrecy Continues in the EU
Interesting digging!
Here is something for you, UK delegation 2010:
“ACTA text 2.3 – Criminal Enforcement based on doc 11203/10 17 June 2010
From the EU and Member State point of view, the UK cannot see how final agreement can be reached in Lucerne on a text that has not been approved by the relevant Committees and Member States as required by the mandate. Any text agreed in Lucerne would need to be subject to final approval by the relevant Committees and Member States.”
(一)因發現、命名、使用而取得的「原始權利」 (Inchoate Title)。
(二)根據「大陸架公約」第二條規定: 「海岸國有行使發掘大陸架與利用其天然資源之主權權利 (Sovereign Rights)」 而取得的「主權權利」。
第一步,收回原始權利 (Inchoate Title)。 釣魚台最早是由中國人發現、命名和使用的。據史籍記載,自從一四0三年至一九六九年這五百年間,中國人自由來往釣魚台,視為家常便飯,並且留下大量文字紀錄。近三十多年來,日本政府突然宣佈釣魚台為其治下領土,不許中國人自由往來釣魚台,剝奪了中國人五百年來自由來往釣魚台的權利,這不但違反國際法理,而且違背人類公理。
第二步,積極行使主權權利 (Sovereign Rights)。美國總統杜魯門於一九四五年九月二十八日發表的有關大陸架的一項聲明指出:「美國政府認為大陸架之底土及海床所有天然資源,由土地連接國家行使管轄權,是合理及公正的。」根據該項聲明精神,聯合國於一九五八年簽訂了《大陸架公約》(Continental Shelf),其中第二條規定:「海岸國有行使發掘大陸架、與利用其天然資源之主權權利。」
Pingback: Ein teilweise geheimer Ratifizierungsprozess für ACTA – wie tief wollen wir sinken?
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