Digital Minds & Fashion Makers gather at MeshCon from 10-15 October in Berlin

Berlin, 26 September 2014 – The FFII invites software engineers, creative minds and fashion hackers to the MeshCon 14’ in Berlin. The technology week is organised in cooperation with the TU Berlin, BBW, Wikimedia and the Mozilla Community. The gathering is about local production, design and distribution of textiles in a way that reaps the full benefit of the digital dividend.

More than 23 Speakers from 12 countries will talk about digital makeovers of knitting machines, open-source-pattern making software, their latest web start-ups, the digital design studio and wearables.

FFII president Benjamin Henrion (BE) contributes a talk on the use of cheap wireless chipsets for wearables. Throughout the event the FFII will be available to offer its insights about patent obstacles for digital fashion makers. The Mozilla Community hosts at the event a Hacking Day on FirefoxOS and Fashion-Apps.

“We embrace open technologies and innovation. Digital technology meshes up with textile making. Meet the leading technologists in the field at MeshCon.”, explains André Rebentisch, FFII.


* Website and registration:

* Volunteer registration:

* FFII FashionTec WG:

* FashionTec Blog


Technische Universität Berlin
Marchstrasse 23, MAR 1-1
10587 Berlin, Germany

Wikimedia Foundation
Tempelhofer Ufer 23-24, Berlin

Nadelwald Co-Sowing place
Friedelstraße 11, Berlin


FashionTec Orga team
FFii e.V. Office Berlin (DE/EN)
Malmöer Str. 6
10439 Berlin
Fon: +49 30 41722597
Fax: +49 721 509663769
Email: office (at)

About the FFII

The FFII is a not-for-profit association, dedicated to the development of information goods for the public benefit, based on copyright, free competition, and open standards. More than 1,000
members, 3,500 companies and 100,000 supporters have entrusted the FFII to act as their voice in public policy questions concerning exclusion rights in data processing.

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