Brussels, April 8th 2010 – Until this week everyone interested in interoperability within the context of public service delivery has been invited to send suggestions aiming at contributing to the implementation of the European Interoperability Strategy. FFII e.V. contributed a short 5 pages opinion paper to the consultation of the European Commission.
The European Interoperability Strategy (EIS) is a top level document for the European Interoperability Framework (EIF) which is essential for policies on open standards and specifications.
“Administrations shall overcome discrimination on grounds of technological choices and unleash the full potential of an open approach”, explains FFII general secretary André Rebentisch.
EIS consultation:
FFII contribution: EISFFIIfinal.pdf
FFII Open Standards WG
FFII Office Berlin
Malmöer Str. 6
D-10439 Berlin
Fon: +49-30-41722597
Fax Service: +49-721-509663769
Email: office (at)
About FFII
The Foundation for a Free Information Infrastructure (FFII) e. V. is a charitable association registered in Munich, Germany, which is dedicated to the spread of data processing literacy and consumer protection. It funds the development of public information works based on copyright, free competition and open standards. The FFII attained broad international recognition for its phrontistery role in the European debate on a software patent directive (2002-2005) and software-related patent reform.