All FFII work on ACTA is volunteer work. But we do need money for our visits to the EU Parliament in Brussels and Strasbourg, especially now during this crucial voting period. Please consider donating.
The vote in the European Parliament can still go either way. As EDRi’s Joe McNamee rightly points out, “if you think we’ve won, we’ve lost“.
In November 2010, while there were good draft resolutions available critical of ACTA, the Parliament adopted a conservative resolution welcoming ACTA. And look at what happened in the US: after massive protests stopped SOPA and PIPA, the Congress yesterday adopted CISPA.
For our work on ACTA, see our Note on the Legal Service’s Opinion on ACTA, our analysis, and our blog.
Some earlier blogs and PRs:
– first draft ACTA analysis (June 2008)
– FFII opposes stealth legislation, demands ACTA documents (November 2008)
– EU Council refuses to release secret ACTA documents
– EU Council deliberately obstructs access to ACTA documents (complaint with the Ombudsman against the Council)
– Citizens have a clear interest in being informed about ACTA, EU Ombudsman concludes
– Copyright Criminal measures in ACTA (October 2010)
– ACTA criminalises ordinary companies and individuals
– EU still pushing for punitive measures against patent infringements in ACTA
– ACTA goes beyond present EU laws
– The EU Commission lacks basic reading skills
– FFII urges EP Civil Liberties Committee to formulate opinion on ACTA
– ACTA, Public Health and Environment
– Maladministration complaint against the European Parliament
– European spring is over
In the Netherlands, Vrijschrift used the FFII analysis and published PRs leading to parliamentary questions.