The ACTA vote

On Tuesday 3 July the European Parliament had a long debate on ACTA. No surprises, the group positions were expressed an other time. Vital Moreira, Member of the Socialists and Democrats and International Trade committee Chair, indicated he will vote in favour of ACTA, against his group position. The European People’s Party had more dissenting opinions, like Ria Oomen-Ruijten, rapporteur on ACTA for the five Dutch EPP Members. She indicated she is against the agreement, like Polish EPP members already expressed earlier.

Rejection of ACTA seems certain, if a vote takes place today, Wednesday 4 july. But whether the vote will take place is still uncertain. The EPP announced on Monday it will move to have the vote adjourned.

After the debate, the EPP group met and decided to ask for a postponement of the ACTA vote, possibly using RoP 175.2 referral back to committee. If that vote is lost, the Parliament will vote on ACTA. The EPP did not to formulate a group position for that vote, the vote for EPP members will be free.

For those who did not do it yet, do contact your MEPs. EPP members can not follow a group position, but have to decide themselves.

Postponement would be a wrong approach. The Court’s test is a marginal one on fundamental rights. The Parliament’s committees also looked at broader issues, like innovation and access to medicine. The Parliament has to take a political decision.

Both votes will be roll call votes. The vote on ACTA will be a vote on ACTA itself (not on the INTA report).

A straight vote, in favour or against ACTA, no amendments.

That is, if the vote isn’t postponed…

Vote: Wednesday 12.30, point 111

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